Muslims Recite Surah Mulk Before Going To Bed

Why Muslims Recite Surah Mulk Before Going To Bed?

Muslims have been reciting Surah Mulk for centuries as part of their daily routine. This Surah is the 67th chapter of the Holy Quran and comprises 30 verses. It is a Meccan Surah, which means it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before he migrated to Medina. The Muslims Recite Surah Mulk Before Going To Bed

The Significance of Surah Mulk

Surah Mulk is considered a powerful and essential Surah in Islam due to its message and teachings. The Surah highlights the power and authority of Allah and reminds us of His blessings and mercy. It also discusses the afterlife and the importance of doing good deeds in this world. Reciting Surah Mulk before sleeping serves as a reminder of these fundamental Islamic beliefs and helps us connect with Allah.

What is the Message of Surah Mulk?

The message of Surah Mulk is multi-faceted, but some of the key themes include the power and authority of Allah, the blessings and mercy that He bestows upon His creation, the importance of doing good deeds in this life, and the consequences of disbelief and disobedience.

 The Surah emphasizes the fact that everything in this world belongs to Allah and that He is the ultimate judge of all things. It also discusses the afterlife and the reward that awaits those who believe in Allah and do good deeds, as well as the punishment that awaits those who reject His message.

 Overall, the message of Surah Mulk is one of hope, guidance, and encouragement for Muslims to lead righteous and meaningful life in the service of Allah.

What topic does Surah Mulk reflect?

 Surah Mulk reflects various topics that are relevant to the life and beliefs of Muslims. Some of the key topics that are addressed in this surah include:

The power and authority of Allah:

 Surah Mulk emphasizes the fact that everything in this world belongs to Allah and that He is the ultimate judge of all things. It highlights the greatness and majesty of Allah, as well as His mercy and blessings towards His creation.

The afterlife:

Surah Mulk discusses the concept of the afterlife and the reward and punishment that await individuals based on their beliefs and deeds in this life. It encourages Muslims to strive for righteousness and good deeds in order to earn the pleasure of Allah and attain success in the afterlife.

The consequences of disbelief and disobedience:

Surah Mulk warns against the consequences of rejecting the message of Allah and disobeying His commandments. It highlights the punishment that awaits those who are arrogant and rebellious towards Allah, while also offering hope and mercy to those who repent and seek forgiveness.

The purpose of creation:

Surah Mulk reminds Muslims of the purpose of their creation, which is to worship and serve Allah alone. It encourages them to reflect on the signs of Allah in the universe and to recognize His blessings and favors upon them.

Benefits of Reciting Surah Mulk Before Going to Bed

Protection from the Punishment of the Grave: It is believed that reciting Surah Mulk before sleeping protects the reciter from the punishment of the grave. The Surah mentions the consequences of disbelief and disobedience, and by reciting it, Muslims seek refuge in Allah from the horrors of the grave.

Forgiveness of Sins:

 Surah Mulk is also believed to be a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah for one’s sins. By reciting it, Muslims acknowledge their mistakes and repent for them, seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

Protection from Evil:

 The Surah also provides protection from evil and harm. It is believed that reciting it before sleeping keeps one safe from the evil eye, black magic, and other negative influences.

Peaceful Sleep:

 Reciting Surah Mulk before sleeping brings peace and tranquility to the reciter’s mind and soul. It helps alleviate stress and anxiety, allowing one to sleep peacefully.

How to Recite Surah Mulk

Muslims can recite Surah Mulk in any of the five daily prayers or at any other time of the day. However, it is highly recommended to recite it before going to bed. The reciter should perform Wudu (ablution) and sit facing the Qiblah. Then, they should start reciting the Surah with a clear and focused mind, preferably in a quiet and peaceful environment.


In conclusion, the recitation of Surah Mulk before going to bed is a highly beneficial practice in Islam. It serves as a reminder of our fundamental Islamic beliefs and provides numerous benefits to the reciter. By reciting it, Muslims seek Allah’s protection, forgiveness, and blessings. It also brings peace and tranquility to the mind and soul, allowing one to sleep peacefully. Muslims should make a habit of reciting Surah Mulk regularly to strengthen their faith and ask Allah for forgiveness.

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