Things That Break Wudu

What Are The Things That Break Wudu?

Wudu is an important aspect of Muslim prayer, and it is essential for Muslims to perform it correctly. The practice of wudu involves washing specific parts of the body, including the hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, head, and feet. The act of wudu is not only a physical cleansing but also a spiritual one, as it allows individuals to purify themselves before prayer. In this article, we will discuss the various things that can break wudu and why it is important to maintain it.

Understanding Wudu

Before delving into the things that break wudu, it is essential to understand the practice of wudu.

Observing wudu, a significant Islamic practice involves engaging in the ritual of ablution. and it involves washing specific body parts in a particular order. The practice of wudu is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who instructed his followers to perform it before prayer. The act of wudu is believed to cleanse the body and purify the soul, allowing Muslims to approach prayer with a pure and clean heart.

How to perform Wudu

Performing wudu, or ablution, is an important ritual in Islam. It involves washing certain parts of the body in a specific sequence to purify oneself before prayer. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform wudu:

Step 1: Make the intention

Before starting wudu, it is important to make the intention in your heart that you are performing wudu to purify yourself for prayer.

Step 2: Say “Bismillah”

Say “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) to begin wudu.

Step 3: Wash your hands

Please thoroughly cleanse your hands, ensuring to cover them up to the wrists, and repeat this process three times.

Step 4: Rinse your mouth

Take water into your mouth and rinse it three times, making sure to swish the water around and spit it out each time.

Step 5: Clean your nose

Use your right hand to take water into your nose and then blow it out with your left hand. Repeat this three times.

Step 6: Wash your face

Please cleanse your facial skin three times, starting from the hairline and moving down to the chin, while covering the entire area from one ear to the other.

Step 7: Wash your arms

Wash your right arm up to the elbow three times, and then repeat with your left arm.

Step 8: Wipe your head

Wet your hands and wipe your head once, starting from the forehead and going to the back of the head.

Step 9: Wipe your ears

Using your index fingers, wipe the inside and outside of your ears once.

Step 10: Wash your feet

Wash your right foot up to the ankle three times, and then repeat with your left foot.

Step 11: Recite the Shahada

After completing wudu, recite the Shahada, which is the declaration of faith in Islam.

It is important to maintain your state of ritual purity by avoiding things that can break wudu, such as using the bathroom, passing gas, or anything that nullifies the ablution.

What are the Things that Break Wudu

There are several things that can break wudu, and it is important for Muslims to be aware of them. Here are some of the most common things that break wudu:

Natural Discharge

Any natural discharge from the body, such as urine, feces, or gas, can break wudu. This is because these substances are considered impure and must be cleaned before prayer.

Passing Wind

Passing wind, whether intentionally or unintentionally, breaks wudu. This is because it is considered a natural discharge from the body.

Eating or Drinking

Eating or drinking anything that enters the body through the mouth breaks wudu. This includes both solid and liquid substances.

Loss of Consciousness

If an individual loses consciousness, wudu is considered broken. This can occur due to sleep, fainting, or any other loss of consciousness.

Touching Private Parts

Touching the private parts breaks wudu, as these body parts are considered impure.

Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse breaks wudu, and it requires individuals to perform a complete ghusl, which is a full-body wash.


Menstruation is a natural bodily process that breaks wudu, and it requires women to perform a complete ghusl before they can pray again.

Post-Natal Bleeding

Post-natal bleeding, which occurs after childbirth, breaks wudu, and it requires women to perform a complete ghusl before they can pray again.


Vomiting breaks wudu, as it is considered a natural discharge from the body.

Importance of Maintaining Wudu

Maintaining wudu is essential for Muslims, as it allows them to approach prayer with a pure and clean heart. Wudu not only cleanses the body, but it also helps individuals focus on their prayer and connect with God on a deeper level. Performing wudu correctly and maintaining it throughout the day is a way for Muslims to constantly purify themselves and remain in a state of ritual purity.

In addition to the spiritual benefits of wudu, there are also practical benefits. Wudu helps individuals maintain good hygiene and cleanliness, which is essential for good health. It also promotes a sense of discipline and mindfulness, as individuals must be aware of their actions throughout the day to avoid breaking their wudu.


In conclusion, there are several things that can break and be aware of them in order to maintain their state of ritual purity. Breaking wudu can happen intentionally or unintentionally, and it is important to know the causes and how to rectify the situation. Muslims should strive to maintain their wudu throughout the day, as it not only has practical benefits for hygiene and cleanliness but also has spiritual benefits in connecting with God and maintaining a state of ritual purity.

Also Read: How to Perform Wudu Properly – Complete Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

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