Benefits Of Reciting Surah Kahf On Friday

Benefits Of Reciting Surah Kahf On Friday

Surah Kahf is one of the most revered chapters of the Quran. It is the 18th surah and contains four distinct stories that are meant to teach valuable lessons to believers. Reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays is a practice that is highly recommended in Islam. In this article, we will explore the benefits of reciting Surah Kahf on Friday.

What is Surah Kahf?

Before delving into the benefits of reciting Surah Kahf on Friday, let us first understand what this chapter is about. Surah Kahf is a Meccan surah, which means it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before he migrated to Medina. The surah is comprised of 110 verses and is named after the cave (Al-Kahf in Arabic) where the story of the companions of the cave took place.

Four lessons in Surah Kahf

The Lesson of Unwavering Faith – Allah Is the Epicenter of Faith

The first lesson from Surah Kahf is the importance of unwavering faith in Allah. The chapter begins with the story of the people of the cave, who sought refuge in a cave to protect their faith from persecution. This story teaches us that our faith in Allah should be strong and unwavering, even in the face of adversity. As Muslims, we must remember that Allah is the epicenter of our faith, and we must rely on Him for guidance and protection.

The Lesson of Wealth and Power – They Are a Test from Allah

The story of the rich man and the poor man in Surah Kahf reminds us that wealth and power are a test from Allah. The rich man in the story was given many blessings by Allah, but he failed to use them for good. This story teaches us that wealth and power can easily lead to arrogance and pride and that we should use our blessings to help others and seek Allah’s pleasure.

The Lesson of Knowledge and Humility – Seek Knowledge from Allah

The story of Musa and Khidr in Surah Kahf teaches us the importance of seeking knowledge and wisdom from Allah. Musa, who was a prophet, humbly asked Khidr to teach him what Allah had taught him. This story reminds us that no matter how knowledgeable or experienced we may be, there is always more to learn. We should approach our lives with humility and seek knowledge from Allah, who is the ultimate source of wisdom.

The Lesson of the Hereafter – Our Ultimate Goal

The final lesson from Surah Kahf is the importance of preparing for the hereafter. The story of the man with two gardens reminds us that our ultimate goal should be to seek Allah’s pleasure and prepare for the Day of Judgment. The man in the story was so focused on his worldly possessions that he forgot about his ultimate goal. As Muslims, we should prioritize our actions based on their impact on our eternal life, rather than just our temporary life in this world.

 The Importance of Friday in Islam

Friday is considered a holy day in Islam. It is the day of the congregation when Muslims gather in mosques to perform the Friday prayer (Jumu’ah). It is also the day when Muslims are encouraged to perform good deeds and seek Allah’s forgiveness. According to a Hadith (a saying of Prophet Muhammad), “Friday is the best day on which the sun rises. Adam was formed upon it, then guided into the realm of paradise, only to be subsequently banished from its blissful abode.

The Benefits of Reciting Surah Kahf on Friday

Protection from Dajjal (Anti-Christ)

One of the most significant benefits of reciting Surah Kahf on Friday is that it offers protection from Dajjal (Anti-Christ). The chapter contains the story of the companions of the cave, who sought refuge in a cave to escape persecution from a tyrannical ruler. Allah protected them by causing them to sleep for 300 years. This story teaches believers to have faith in Allah and to seek His protection in times of trial and tribulation.

Forgiveness of Sins

Reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays also offers forgiveness of major sins. According to a Hadith, “Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday, Allah will forgive him what occurred between the two Fridays.” This means that if someone recites Surah Kahf on Friday, their sins from the past week will be forgiven.

Increased Provision

Reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays is also believed to increase provision. The chapter contains the story of the rich man and the poor man, which teaches believers about the true value of wealth. By reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays, believers are reminded to be grateful for what they have and to seek Allah’s blessings in their sustenance.

Protection from Trials and Tribulations

Surah Kahf contains several stories that teach believers about the importance of patience, perseverance, and faith in times of trial and tribulation. By reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays, believers are reminded of these valuable lessons and are protected from trials and tribulations.

Illumination of the Heart

Reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays also illuminates the heart. The chapter contains powerful stories that are meant to inspire and uplift believers. By reciting Surah Kahf, believers are reminded of the beauty of Islam and the mercy of Allah.


In conclusion, reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays offers numerous benefits to believers. It protects them from Dajjal, offers forgiveness of sins, increases provision, protects them from trials and tribulations, and illuminates their hearts. By reciting Surah Kahf on Fridays, believers are reminded of the valuable lessons contained in the chapter and are drawn closer to Allah.

Also Read: Why Muslims Recite Surah Mulk Before Going To Bed?

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