Major Sins in Islam

What are the Major Sins in Islam?

In Islam, sin refers to any action or behavior that is considered disobedient to Allah and goes against His commands as stated in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Major sins, also known as “Kabirah” or “Mortal” sins, are those that are considered to be of significant gravity and are likely to lead a person to eternal damnation if they are not repented for.  We will explore some of the major sins in Islam.

1. Shirk (Associating partners with Allah):

Shirk, or the act of associating partners with Allah, is one of the most serious sins in Islam. The concept of shirk is based on the belief in Tawheed, or the oneness of Allah, which is the foundation of the Islamic faith.

 The Quran and the Hadith provide guidance and instructions to Muslims on the subject of shirk.

The Hadith, which is the collection of sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), is a major source of Islamic law and guidance.

 It provides insights into the life and teachings of the Prophet and helps Muslims understand the religion in a deeper way.

 Muslims believe that Paradise is the ultimate reward for those who obey Allah and follow His commands. However, the act of shirk is so grave that it can nullify all of one’s good deeds and result in eternal damnation.

It is a sin that can lead to eternal punishment in the afterlife. Muslims must be vigilant in guarding themselves against shirk and strive to maintain the purity of their faith.

2. Killing:

Islam is a religion that emphasizes the importance of moral and ethical values. The religion has a set of rules and guidelines that Muslims are required to follow in order to maintain a peaceful and harmonious society. 

One of the most important aspects of these guidelines is the avoidance of major sins. These sins are considered the most severe offenses in the eyes of Allah, and their consequences are severe. 

Killing is one of the major sins in Islam and is strictly prohibited.

Islam is a religion that values the sanctity of human life. Allah has created human beings in His own image, and it is the duty of every Muslim to protect human life.

 Killing a human being is a grave offense, and it is considered a sin that is punishable by Allah in the hereafter.

3. Consuming Riba:

Islam is a religion of peace and it teaches its followers to live their lives in the best possible way. It provides guidance on how to live a life that is pleasing to Allah and leads to eternal happiness.

 However, just as there are good deeds in Islam, there are also major sins that a Muslim should avoid at all costs. 

Riba, which is also known as usury or interest, is the act of lending or borrowing money with interest. It is considered a major sin in Islam and is strictly prohibited. The consumption of riba is a serious offense and its punishment is severe.

This verse clearly states that consuming interest is equivalent to being beaten by Satan into insanity. It also emphasizes that Allah has forbidden riba and permitted trade.

 Therefore, a Muslim should always be cautious and avoid any act of riba.

4. Fleeing from the Battlefield:

Fleeing from the battlefield is considered a major sin in Islam. It is regarded as a grave offense because it is seen as a betrayal of one’s duty to protect and defend the faith, community, and nation.

In Islam, fleeing from the battlefield is considered a great sin, and it is strictly prohibited. It is believed that those who flee from the battlefield will have to face severe punishment in the Hereafter.

Fleeing from the battlefield is seen as an act of cowardice, and it is considered to be a betrayal of the Muslim community.

If a Muslim soldier is unable to fight on the battlefield, he can serve his country in other ways, such as providing intelligence, medical aid, or logistical support.

5. Slandering chaste, innocent believing women: 

Islam is a religion of peace and compassion that teaches its followers to refrain from all types of sins.

There are various types of sins that are considered major or minor in Islam, but among them, slandering chaste, innocent believing women is one of the major sins that holds great importance in Islamic teachings. 

This sin is a violation of a woman’s rights, honor, and dignity, and it is strongly condemned in the Holy Quran and Hadith.

Slandering chaste, innocent believing women refers to the act of falsely accusing a woman of illicit sexual relations or spreading rumors about her chastity.

 This sin is considered one of the most severe and dangerous sins in Islam because it harms not only the victim but also society as a whole.

 Slandering chaste women not only damages the reputation of the victim, but it also creates a culture of mistrust and suspicion among the members of the community

This verse makes it clear that those who slander chaste, innocent believing women will be cursed by Allah in this life and in the hereafter.

They will face severe punishment on the Day of Judgment when their tongues, hands, and feet will testify against them for what they have done.

6. Consuming orphans’ wealth:

 One of the major sins in Islam is consuming orphans’ wealth. It is an act of injustice that is strictly prohibited in Islam.

 Orphans are vulnerable members of society who are in need of protection and support, and consuming their wealth is a grave offense in the eyes of Allah.

Give the orphans their property, and do not substitute what is bad for what is good, and do not eat up their property along with your own. It is, surely, a great sin.

7. Adultery:

Islam, being one of the major religions of the world, has a strict stance against adultery. Adultery, which is defined as sexual intercourse between two individuals who are not married to each other, is considered a major sin in Islam.

The Quran, clearly states that adultery is forbidden and is considered a serious violation of Islamic principles.

The punishment for this sin is also clearly mentioned in the Quran. The punishment for adultery in Islam is stoning to death.

The reason behind such a strict punishment is that adultery is considered to be a betrayal of the trust that is placed in a relationship between a man and a woman.

Islam promotes a society that is based on justice, morality, and respect for the rights of others. Adultery, being a violation of these principles, is not tolerated in Islam.

8. Lying about Allah and Prophet (ﷺ):

Islam is a religion that emphasizes truthfulness and honesty. In fact, the Quran frequently emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth and warns against lying.

 Moreover, one of the major sins in Islam is lying about Allah and Prophet Muhammad ().

This is an offense that is taken very seriously by Muslims, as it involves the manipulation of the religion’s core beliefs and the Prophet’s teachings.

Lying about Allah and Prophet Muhammad () is an act that involves deliberately spreading false information about Islam’s core beliefs or the Prophet’s teachings.

This may include fabricating stories or spreading misinformation about the Quran or Hadith (Prophetic traditions), or making up stories about the life of Prophet Muhammad ().

It can also involve spreading false claims about the Prophet’s character, actions, or beliefs.

In this world, those who spread false information about Islam may face public backlash, criticism, and social isolation.

 Additionally, such actions can lead to legal consequences in certain countries where there are blasphemy laws.

9. Sorcery (Practicing Magic):

Sorcery, also known as practicing magic, is considered a grave sin in Islam. It is considered as a form of disbelief and a direct challenge to the power of Allah (SWT).

 Sorcery is defined as the use of supernatural powers or the invocation of supernatural beings for personal gain or to harm others.

The practice of sorcery has been condemned in the Quran and Hadith, and those who engage in it are considered to be committing a major sin.

Instead, they should rely on the power of prayer and the guidance of the Quran and Sunnah to lead a righteous life.

10. Disrespecting Ones Parent:

Islam places great importance on the relationship between parents and their children. In the religion of Islam, it is considered a sin to show disrespect to one parent.

This is because Islam teaches that parents hold a very special position in the life of their children.

It is important to understand that showing disrespect to one parent can take many forms. It can be verbal, such as speaking harshly to a parent or using disrespectful language.

 It can also be nonverbal, such as ignoring a parent or showing them contempt through body language.

It is important for children to understand that showing disrespect to one parent is not only a sin in Islam but also a betrayal of the trust and love that parents have for their children.

Islam teaches that parents have a responsibility to care for and protect their children, and children have a responsibility to honor and respect their parents.


In conclusion, Islam defines major sins as acts that are forbidden by Allah and carry severe consequences for those who commit them. These sins include shirk, murder, adultery, theft, and usury, among others.

 Muslims are encouraged to avoid these sins and seek forgiveness from Allah if they fall into them. By following the teachings of Islam, Muslims can live a life of morality and righteousness and avoid the pitfalls of sin. 

It is important to remember that Islam promotes love, peace, and justice, and by avoiding major sins, we can achieve these values and attain a sense of inner peace and fulfillment in our lives.

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