Signs Of The Day of Judgement

What Are The Signs Of The Day of Judgement?

The Day of Judgement, also known as the Day of Resurrection, is one of the most significant events in the Islamic faith. It is the day when Allah will judge all human beings based on their deeds, and those who have led a righteous life will enter Jannah (Paradise), while those who have committed sins will be punished in Jahannam (Hell). While the exact time of the Day of Judgement is known only to Allah, there are many signs that are believed to indicate its imminent arrival. In this article, we will discuss some of the signs of the Day of Judgement in detail some signs are appeared in past and some are in the present and most will be in future.

1. The Appearance of Dajjal

Another sign of the Day of Judgement is the appearance of Dajjal, who is also known as the Antichrist. Dajjal is a false prophet who will deceive people by performing miracles and claiming to be God. He will lead people astray and will be a great source of chaos and confusion before the Day of Judgement. However, it is important to note that the Prophet (SAW) has provided guidance on how to protect oneself from the deception of Dajjal.

2. The Descent of Prophet Isa (AS)

The descent of Prophet Isa (AS), also known as Jesus Christ, is another sign of the Day of Judgement. It is believed that he will descend from heaven and will rule the world with justice and righteousness. He will break the cross, kill the swine, and abolish the Jizya (tax paid by non-Muslims). His arrival will be a great source of hope and relief for the believers.

3. The Emergence of Ya’juj and Ma’juj

Ya’juj and Ma’juj, also known as Gog and Magog, are two tribes that are mentioned in the Quran. They are believed to be a group of people who will emerge towards the end of time and cause destruction and chaos on earth. They will try to destroy everything in their path and will be a source of great danger for humanity.

4. The Rising of the Sun from the West

The rising of the sun from the west is another sign of the Day of Judgement. It is believed that the sun will rise from the west instead of the east, which is its usual direction. This event will be a clear indication that the Day of Judgement is near, and it will be too late for people to repent.

5. The Beast of the Earth

The Beast of the Earth is another sign of the Day of Judgement. It is described in the Quran as a creature that will emerge from the earth and will speak to people. It will help believers and harm disbelievers. This beast will also have the ability to mark people, which will be a clear indication of their status on the Day of Judgement. And the says” And when the word befalls them, We will bring forth for them a creature from the earth speaking to them, [saying] that the people were, of Our verses, not certain [in faith]”.(AN-Nmal:82)

6. Increase in Sin and Immorality

One of the signs of the Day of Judgement is the increase in sin and immorality. The Prophet (SAW) has mentioned that as the Day of Judgement approaches, people will become more involved in sinful activities such as drinking alcohol, gambling, and committing adultery.

7. The number of men Decreases:

The number of men will decrease, whilst the number of women will increase, until for every man there are 50 women” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition. This sign is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, one of the most authentic collections of Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad).

8. Knowledge will take Away:

Knowledge will be taken away (by the death of people of knowledge), and ignorance will prevail” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition.

9. Excessive use of wine:

“Wine (intoxicants, alcohol) will be drunk in great quantities” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition. This sign is mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and is seen as a warning of the widespread use of intoxicants and its negative consequences.

10. Increase in Bloodshed:

This sign is often interpreted as a warning of a time when violence and bloodshed will be prevalent in society, leading to widespread chaos and destruction. It is believed that as people become more disconnected from their faith and moral values, they will resort to violence and aggression as a means of resolving disputes and asserting their power.

11. Tribulation (Fitna):

The sign of tribulation is often interpreted as a warning of a time when turmoil, chaos, and disorder will be widespread in society, leading to confusion and instability. It is believed that as people become more disconnected from their faith and moral values, they will be vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation by those seeking power and control.

12. Earthquakes:

The increase in the earthquake is sign of Day of Judgment. This sign is often interpreted as a warning of a time when natural disasters, particularly earthquakes, will be more frequent and severe.

13. Trustworthiness will be Lost:

When authority is given to those who do not deserve it” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition. This sign is mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and is often interpreted as a warning of a time when corruption and injustice will be rampant, and those who are not worthy of leadership positions will be given authority.

14. Time will pass quickly:

Time will pass more quickly” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition. This sign is mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and is often interpreted as a warning of a time when life will seem to pass more quickly than before.

15. Imposters Will Appear:

 This sign is mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and is often interpreted as a warning of a time when false prophets and misleading figures will emerge, each claiming to be a messenger of Allah.

16. The Euphrates will reveal a treasure of gold:

This is mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) and is often interpreted as a warning of a time when materialism and greed will become rampant, leading to conflict and violence over wealth and possessions.

17. The slave woman will give birth to her master or mistress:

The slave-woman will give birth to her master or mistress” is considered to be one of the signs of the Day of Judgement in Islamic tradition. This sign refers to a time when social hierarchies will be reversed, and children will become disobedient and disrespectful towards their parents.

18. Adultery (Zina) will become widespread:

Zina refers to any sexual activity that is considered forbidden in Islam, including adultery, fornication, and any other form of sexual immorality.

The Hadiths that mention this sign indicate that as the end times approach, sexual immorality will become more prevalent and accepted in society. This may manifest in a variety of ways, such as an increase in extramarital affairs, pornography, and prostitution, as well as a general decline in modesty and moral standards related to sexuality.

19. Fire in the Hijaz:

According to the Hadiths, a great fire will erupt in the Hijaz, which will be so intense that it will be visible from a distance, including the city of Busra, located in present-day Syria. This fire will serve as a major sign of the impending end times, and will be a source of great fear and alarm for those who witness it.

20. Muslims will conquer Rome:

This event is commonly referred to as the “conquest of Constantinople” or the “conquest of Rome,” and it is believed to signify a major victory for the Muslim world and the beginning of a new era.

According to the Hadiths, the conquest of Rome will be preceded by a number of other signs, including the appearance of the Mahdi, a great leader who will emerge in the end times to lead the Muslim community, and the emergence of the Antichrist, a false messiah who will spread corruption and deception throughout the world.


In conclusion, the signs of the Day of Judgment in the Islamic tradition are numerous and diverse. Some have already occurred, while others are yet to come.

 While there may be varying interpretations of these signs, what is important for Muslims is to focus on living a righteous and pious life at all times, preparing for the hereafter, and striving to please Allah (God).

 The Day of Judgment is a reminder for all of us that our time on this earth is limited and that we must use it wisely to do well and seek forgiveness for our sins. May Allah guide us all to the straight path and grant us success in this life and the hereafter.

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