Spiritual Benefits Of Ramadan Through Zikr And Wazifa

Spiritual Benefits Of Ramadan Through Zikr And Wazifa

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims around the world as a time for spiritual reflection and renewal. During this month, Muslims abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset, and engage in various spiritual practices such as prayer, charity, and reading the Quran. In this Article we have to Explore the Spiritual Benefits Of Ramadan Through Zikr And Wazifa.

What the Quran and Hadith says about Ramdan?

ٱتْلُ مَآ أُوحِىَ إِلَيْكَ مِنَ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ وَأَقِمِ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ ۖ إِنَّ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ ٱلْفَحْشَآءِ وَٱلْمُنكَرِ ۗ وَلَذِكْرُ ٱللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَصْنَعُونَ ٤٥

Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, ˹genuine˺ prayer should deter ˹one˺ from indecency and wickedness. The remembrance of Allah is ˹an˺ even greater ˹deterrent˺. And Allah ˹fully˺ knows what you ˹all˺ do.(Quran 29:45)

 Abu Hurairah said that Prophet Muhammad told:

“There has come to you Ramadan, a blessed month, which Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, has enjoined you to fast. In it the gates of heavens are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and every devil is chained up. In it Allah has a night which is better than a thousand months; whoever is deprived of its goodness is indeed deprived”(Sunan an-Nasa’i 2106)

What is Wazifa?

Wazifa is a term used in Islam to describe the practice of reciting certain prayers or verses from the Quran with the intention of seeking blessings or help from Allah. It is a form of spiritual practice that involves repetition of specific words, phrases or verses to invoke Allah’s mercy and assistance.

The concept of Wazifa is deeply rooted in the Islamic faith, and is believed to be a means of connecting with Allah and seeking his help and guidance. Muslims around the world practice Wazifa for various reasons, such as seeking protection from harm, healing from illness, finding a job or a spouse, or simply seeking Allah’s blessings and forgiveness.

Types of Wazifa:

There are different types of Wazifa in Islam that Muslims can recite for various purposes, such as seeking blessings, protection, forgiveness, or guidance from Allah. Some of the common types of Wazifa are:

Quranic Wazifa:

Qur’anic Wazaif refers to the recitation of specific verses or chapters from the Quran as a form of spiritual practice to seek blessings or assistance from Allah. Qur’anic Wazaif are considered a powerful tool for strengthening one’s faith and connection with Allah, and for seeking guidance, healing, protection, and forgiveness.

Prophetic Wazifa:

Prophetic Wazaif refer to the supplications and prayers taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his companions and followers. These Wazaif are considered to be a source of spiritual guidance and blessing, and Muslims recite them to seek Allah’s help and mercy in different aspects of their lives.

Wazaif from the Sahaba:

Wazaif from the Sahaba refer to the supplications and prayers taught by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to their followers and generations to come. These Wazaif are considered to be a source of spiritual guidance and blessing, and Muslims recite them to seek Allah’smercy in different aspects of their lives.

Significance of Wazifa in Ramadan

 Ramadan is a month of intense spiritual activity for Muslims around the world. It is a time for reflection, repentance, and renewal of faith. Reciting Wazaif during Ramadan is a way for Muslims to deepen their spiritual connection with Allah and seek His blessings and mercy. Here are some of the significance of reciting Wazaif during Ramadan:

Increased Blessings:

 Ramadan is a month of increased blessings and rewards from Allah. Reciting Wazaif during this month allows Muslims to take advantage of this special time and earn more blessings from Allah.

Intensified Focus:

 The act of reciting Wazaif during Ramadan helps Muslims to focus their attention on their spiritual development. By reciting specific supplications and prayers, Muslims can concentrate their energy on seeking Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

Strengthened Faith:

 Reciting Wazaif during Ramadan can strengthen the faith of Muslims. The act of supplicating and seeking Allah’s help and guidance helps Muslims to develop a deeper sense of trust and reliance on Allah.

Enhanced Spirituality:

Ramadan is a time of spiritual purification and renewal. Reciting Wazaif during this month can enhance one’s spirituality and bring a greater sense of closeness to Allah.

Personal Growth:

 Reciting Wazaif during Ramadan can also lead to personal growth and development. By seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings, Muslims can gain insights and inspiration to help them overcome personal challenges and achieve their goals.

What is zikr?

zikr, also spelled as Dhikr, is a term used in Islam to refer to the remembrance of Allah through the repetition of certain phrases or prayers. The act of zikr is a form of worship and is considered an important aspect of Islamic spirituality.

The concept of zikr is based on the Quranic injunction to remember Allah frequently. For example, in(Surah Al-Ahzab, verse 41), Allah says, “O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance.” Additionally, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged his followers to engage in zikr and taught them various supplications and phrases to recite.

Types of zikr:

There are different types of adhkar which muslims can recite:


Tasbih is a form of zikr in Islam, which involves the repetitive recitation of certain phrases or names of Allah using a set of prayer beads. The word Tasbih is derived from the Arabic word “subha”, which means to glorify or exalt.


Salawat, also known as Durud or Salutations, is a form of zikr in Islam that involves the recitation of blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The term Salawat is derived from the Arabic word “Salat”, which means prayer or worship.


Istighfar is a term used in Islam that refers to Astaghfirullah seeking forgiveness from Allah for sins and shortcomings. The word Istighfar is derived from the Arabic word “ghafara ,” which means to cover or forgive.

Quranic recitation:

The recitation of Quran is considered as zikr, and the muslims recite it for benefits.

Morning and Evening adhkar:

Adhkar of the morning and evening are a set of supplications and remembrances that Muslims are encouraged to recite during the morning and evening times. These adhkar are considered a form of worship and are believed to bring numerous benefits to the reciter, including protection, guidance, and blessings from Allah.

Significance of adhkar in Ramadan

adhkar (supplications and remembrances) hold great significance in Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in the Islamic calendar. Muslims are encouraged to increase their recitation of adhkar during this month as it is believed to bring numerous benefits and blessings.

Reciting adhkar during Ramadan is considered a form of worship that helps Muslims to maintain their focus on Allah and seek His blessings and forgiveness. The recitation of adhkar during this month is also believed to increase one’s spiritual strength, purify the soul, and bring one closer to Allah.

Spritual benefits of ziakr and wazifa 

One of the most important spiritual practices during Ramadan is zikr and Wazifa. zikr is the remembrance of Allah through recitation of his names and attributes, while Wazifa refers to the repetition of certain prayers or verses from the Quran.

There are numerous spiritual benefits of zikr and Wazifa during Ramadan, some of which are discussed below:

Increased mindfulness and awareness of Allah:

zikr and Wazifa help to increase our mindfulness and awareness of Allah, as we repeat his names and verses from the Quran. This helps us to stay focused on our spiritual goals and develop a stronger connection with Allah.

Purification of the heart:

ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ ٱلْقُلُوبُ ٢٨

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allāh. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allāh hearts are assured.” (Quran 13:38)

zikr and Wazifa help to purify our hearts from negative thoughts and emotions, and replace them with positive ones. This helps us to become more compassionate, kind, and forgiving, which are all essential qualities for a successful Ramadan.

Strengthening of faith:

zikr and Wazifa help to strengthen our faith and trust in Allah, as we reflect on his names and attributes and repeat his verses from the Quran. This helps us to overcome any doubts or fears that we may have and develop a deeper sense of spirituality.

Increased gratitude:

zikr and Wazifa help us to become more grateful for the blessings in our lives, as we reflect on Allah’s generosity and mercy. This helps us to develop a more positive outlook on life and appreciate the simple pleasures that we often take for granted.

Greater spiritual insight:

zikr and Wazifa can also help us to gain greater spiritual insight and understanding, as we reflect on the meanings and teachings of the Quran. This can help us to develop a deeper appreciation for the wisdom and guidance that Allah provides us with.


In conclusion, zikr and Wazifa are powerful spiritual practices that can help us to deepen our connection with Allah and gain a greater understanding of our faith. we have exlore the the s

 During Ramadan, these practices take on even greater significance, as we strive to purify our hearts, strengthen our faith, and increase our gratitude and spiritual insight. By engaging in these practices regularly during Ramadan and beyond, we can cultivate a greater sense of inner peace, happiness, and fulfillment in our lives.

Also Read: What is Dua You Should Make for Breaking Fast?

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